Tuesday 1 October 2013

Terror in the Night-Editing and Narrative

In lesson we made our own storyboard for the film "Terror in the Night". We had to decide what the story was going to be, which cuts we would use between each scene and how long each each scene would last. We mainly used straight cuts and we used quite a lot of jump cuts near to the end when the film was getting more scary which should create suspense and shock the audience.

How our story relates to the modern narrative theories:
Propp-our story has a hero who would be the woman, a sidekick who would be the dog and a villain who would be the crazy man who hung himself in the woman's house.
Todorov-it follows the classic hollywood narrative.
Strausse-the binary opposites are man and woman, inside and outside.

We also changed the sequence of our films by putting the 4th scene at the beginning. By putting it first we had to change nearly the whole narrative so that it would make sense. This meant the structure changed as we started with a linear sturcture but once we moved things around it became a circular narrative as it goes back and starts at the same place it began. The meaning of the story and the way the audience view the charcters has also changed because before they don't meet the killer until near the end but now they meet him closer to the beginning so their view of him has changed.

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